Back in In 2010, Dearborn police arrested four Christian missionaries with an evangelical group, Acts 17 Apologetics, for allegedly disturbing the peace. What did they do….they passed out tracts and for that they were arrested.
When that story came to my desk, Dearborn now invited street preachers for a visit. I knew this was going to be an event that might have issues so I hand picked 11 men with myself being the 12th. Anytime you preach to a religious group it could get hazardous and this event was the largest annual outdoor gatherings for Arab Americans in the U.S.
We arived in Dead the following year and the police did not know what to do. So we worked with them to a location just off the main street and was allowed to use the megaphone. On the second day, the city was not working with us so we continued without police. The crowd of Muslims turned into a angry mob and a large fight broke out. Police rushed in and arrested one of our guys. We were told to leave and they marched the street pracher to the crowd and the multitude cheered. He was not charged with anything but released.

The following year (2012) we returned to Dearborn, we infomed the city and police we were arriving but they never responded. So knowing the Muslims consider swines evil and unclean, I placed a pig ead on a stick to keep the mob at bay.
Within minutes of our arrival, we were confronted by a Dearborn office who said we cannot use the megaphone or we will be cited. Remember we were allowed to use it the first day we came to Dearborn but not anymore. So we started to walk the streets as the crowd started throwing water bottles at us and tried to stop us but the pighead was used to move them back. We would use the pig head like a flag and the throng would retreat.

Soon what ever the Muslims could find would be thrown at us, eggs, sticks, rocks and milk crates. This happened for an hour and a half with no police involvent. The pig head worked and not one those street preach tossed anything back. This is all on video and that clip you can view as the last link on this post.
After an hour and a half, I was confronted by the Wayne county sheriff’s department and told we were the problem and if we did not leave we would all be arrested. That was all I needed him to say and at that point the courts will handle this matter.
We walked away and a few of those men were bleeding, my forehead was bleeding from items hitting my head. The bleeding appeared in the shape of a cross. Had the city and the Sheriff Department would have worked with us, the pig head would have NEVER been used.

The next day the news stories were how hateful Christians provoked the Muslim people with a pig head. About a week later one news agency saw the hour and a half video and ran a story ‘Christians stoned in Dearborn.’
That story went everywhere and showed what reall happened. I was contacted by media worldwide for weeks and a number of lawyers also wanted to argue our free speech case in court. I went with Robert J. Muise who is an expert in constitutional law and defended the 4 men arrested for passing out tracts just 2 years prior.
We of course lost in Dearborn and Detrort as we expected that but continued to fight our case. The case even went to U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and we lost 2-1 as two judges agreed with Wayne County, writing: “Although robustly guarded by the First Amendment, religious conduct remains subject to regulation for the protection of society.”
Court to hear Dearborn free speech case
Arab Festival Protesters Argue Free Speech, Religious Freedom Before 6th Circuit
Muise appealed the 2-1 decision, and the federal appeals court agreed to hear the case IN FULL, or en banc, a VERY RARE move that Muise believes indicates the court will overturn it. The case was heard, this time with all the judges….and WE WON!!
Even the Michigan branch of the ACLU agrees with Muise, which filed a legal brief in support of the Bible Believers. Robert Sedler, a professor of constitutional law at Wayne State University who often teaches about First Amendment issues, also agrees that the rights of the Bible Believers were violated.
Dearborn responded and the case went to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) which is the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States. It has ultimate appellate jurisdiction. Their conclusion was our free speech rights we hindered and our case is used today to get many street preachers have used our case to win in court. Even if you use words that can start a riot, those words are not responsible.
To say we “made “no smal stir” in Dearborn would be an understament

Even if the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based civil rights group, says the “Bible Believers” and “Ruben Israel Chavez” is a hate group. We have Free Speech.
……so how does all this tie us into Trump?
Trump was impeached twice, NO other President in our history has been tried to be impeached twice. The reason they wanted Trump impeached was because they said he provoked that riot at the US Capital with his words.
So what did Trumps high dollar Constitutional lawyer do….they just our ‘Bible Believers vs Wayne County Sheriff Department’ case to argue his free speech and WON. President Donald Trump was
acquitted, thanks to street preachers.

It’s in our history books that Trump was tried to be impeached twice and it was a free speech case form street preachers that cleared him.
I was in New Orleans when I was told Trump used our Dearborn case
We are in court many times a year for free speech across this Country. YOU might disagree with our method, our banners and how we preach BUT if YOU ever get arrested or cited, your lawyer will most likely use one of our cases to dropp all charges against you.
Here are just a few article on the case: