IF you wish to go beyond prayer and support and invest in our outdoor labor, the boots on the ground thank YOU
We are not a 501c3 ministry so there will be no receipt given if you support our public labor. This is old school of just being a cheerful giver and investing into our labor without the government ruling over what we say and do. We do publicly preach against the sins of our nation which includes reproving politicians and that government 501c3 status might hinder or quench the Will of God in us. We are not politically correct nor do we agree with the standard of the contemporary church and we do not exclusively blame the government for the sins.
Any money donated does not go into buying large homes, yachts, jets or renting stadiums.
We are used of God to proclaim the Jesus of the Bible on the sidewalks in America, also campuses and universities nationwide. We have been faithful to preach outside large and small events for over 40 years. God has raised us up to preach against homosexual parades, concerts, religious conventions, political venues, abortion clinics, rallies, marches, cult meetings, gurus, AIDS walks, sporting events, beaches, boardwalks, bars, casinos, from Wall Street and Rodeo Drive to the ghettos in America and Hollywood award shows for over 40 years.
We represent no denomination nor do we promote a particular theology, save Repent, believe in Jesus, with fruit meet for repentance as per obedience to God and loving your neighbor by doing the same.
We have been persecuted, beat, spit on, jailed, fought cases in court and hated for the sake of the Gospel.
For over 40 years we have been the hallmark for using visible gospel banners, sandwich signs, bold Christian shirts and jackets, mega phones to testify the Name of JESUS in public.
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”
Proverbs 3:6
We work with active Churches all over this nation and exhort Christians to acknowledge Jesus in public not just behind the pulpit on Sunday.
We do not preach against one particular sin, nor do we recite one specific topic but as 2
Timothy 4:2 reads “Preach the Word”…..that we do. That scripture gives us license to use all
66 books with numerous topics to publicize a tailored message for our outdoor congregation.
With the death, burial and resurrection on the third day as the only remedy.
Ruben and the Bible Believers have been faithful in the greater Los Angeles area, traveling throughout the state of California, the West coast and mushroomed out to our nation and numerous countries with the Word of God in public.
You can support us here:
Zelle: 513 464 4201
Mailing Address:
John Williams
PO Box 287
3481 Dixie Highway
Franklin, Ohio 45005
Email if you have any questions or concerns or are interested in supporting the public proclamation of God’s word.