We are open air preachers who do not preach a certain denomination affiliation.
We believe there is ONLY one God who created everything and we will all stand before Him on Judgement Day.
We believe that Jesus is the Christ who came, died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day, He and He alone is the ONLY way to heaven
We believe the Bible is the Word of God and NO need to go beyond those 66 books.
We believe that forgiveness of sin comes only with the blood of Jesus the Christ and repentance is fruit of your sins being forgiven.
We believe religion will never save you nor trusting in your works.
We believe we will all live eternal somewhere, in Heaven or the Lake of Fire.
We believe that ‘works’ will not save you. but ‘works’ are a result of your salvation.
We believe you cannot live in sin and go Heaven.
We DO NOT preach theology, but we expose sin and give Jesus as the remedy.
We believe God HATES both sin and sinner.
We believe every Christian needs to confess and acknowledge Jesus in their life.
We believe in all the gifts of the Holy Ghost are still active today.
We believe the Holy Spirit will live and fill the believer.
We believe we are not all children of God.
We believe we should judge all matters, with the Bible as our guide.
We believe that true believers will be hated, persecuted, jail and even killed for their faith.
We believe living HOLY is a requirement as per HOLY Father, HOLY Ghost, HOLY Bible.
We preach on hellfire as this was a message our Lord preached on often.
We believe signs, tracts, banners and Christian shirts can be used to get the unsaved saved.
We believe we should be the LIGHT and shine that LIGHT in this dark world.
We believe we are ‘salt’ and preserve God’s Holy standard in the wicked world.
We believe the book of acts does not have an ending and those same ACTS should still be active today.
Our mandate is to boldly preach the God of the Bible in public with the emphasis on repentance.
The PURPOSE and GOAL of the Official Street Preacher’s website is to edify, train and exhort the body of Christ in the biblical method of public preaching. In my humble opinion the Church today has buried the talent of outdoor preaching and much to its own loss, has OVER emphasized the practice of keeping one’s faith personal and private.
When we preach in public it is NOT theology. We point out sin, preached repentance and the understanding of what Jesus Christ did not the cross.
“To Titus, mine own son after the common faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour”
Titus 1:4