Once upon a time those banners we raised in the 1980’s were very large cloth banners that were hand painted and the poles we used we metal pipe with bungee cords on the top and bottom of the banner. That whole set up would weight about 125 pounds…..but we were young. These new vinyl banners with inked on letters and light aluminum poles are easy to carry than those old banners back in the day.
We did not have Churches that would put us up while we preached in cities, we did not have much money for hotels. So we mad due with this little teardrop trailer that we slept in. Not glamorous but it did the job as we were in town to preach against sin.
There were times those same banners we raised were our mattress on the sidewalk or sleeping in a park at night after a preach.

Glad we gave our youth to the Lord, after 40 plus years we are still going strong…how about YOU are you taking advantage of your youth and did you give it to the Father for His service?

“O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works”
Psalm 71:17
Here is an old photo when I was about 19 years old preaching at a heavy metal concert in Long Beach and arguing with security for my right to stand there and preach. I did not move, they called the police and wanted me arrested but Long Beach police never came.

After 40 years, some things never change. When that picture was taken I never knew how many times I would be arrested and argued for my free speech in many courts.
This is a picture from 1981 and this is my first Christianized car and banner. Brother Glenn was and the end holding the banner with Brother Jeff, as I stood on the hood of my old Ford. This was the founders of Bible believers. To date as of 2023 we have over 85 chapters nationwide with more worldwide of men and women holding banners and preaching outdoors with Christian shirts and megaphones. At the time this photo was taken we never knew how much the Lord was going to use us.

This is Brother Glenn and I still going strong after working decades together, as we gave our youth to the Lord and that picture was taken when we were in our 60’s.
Will you endure to the end or will you jump from ministry to ministry, Church to Church and calling to calling? IF the Lord tarries, where will you be after 40 years?